Prestegard Road has changed. Last wednesday they came through and put up signs saying “Fresh Oil”. The trucks went up and down the road spreading a layer of tar and topping it with a layer of gravel. Our road is now paved and will no longer be a gravel road. It’s probably not really that important. I’m sure that at one time it was a dirt road. I don’t know when the road got gravel.
About 7 years ago at an antique shop in town we were looking at a plat map from 1915. Prestegard road was on that map. It wasn’t named, however it was on the map and appeared to follow the same path it does now. Not that much has changed in 90 years. A couple of houses have gone up, a few have come down too. The names on the deeds have changed a few times.
The cars will probably go a little faster, kicking up up less dust as they go by. Hopefully not so fast that their drivers don’t wave.